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The Mindflow Method

The Art of self-regulation - align your body & mind

Easy and simple techniques

Create a mental flow state that aligns their body and mind to eliminate stress-induced responses leadng to improved: 

  • Sleep

  • Mental Clarity

  • Control & calm responses 

  • Sense of direction and purpose


A program you can stick to

Using breath, heart anchor and hypnosis, simply schedule the time to lie back and listen, with clear easy to follow instructions.

If you're interesting in small group sessions - please inquire below 

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The mindflow method - self guided protocol 

This routine is designed to be followed for 21 days

Step 1. First thing in the morning as soon as you wake up: 

While you are still in an Alpha brain wave state, take a moment to notice your breath, feel it enter your nostrils and any subtle temperature changes, the warmth, the smell, the texture.  SMILE. Place you hand on your heart to anchor into your heart space, remember a time when you felt loved, joy, cherished and soft comfort, this can be real or imagined, if this doesnt resonate with you simply focus on these positive words and emtions is enough, now breath into this space and notice your body gently rising and falling with your breath.  

Now think about the positive feelings and actions that you want to happen today, these don't have to be big or exciting, we often overlook the simple yet beautiful interactions we have, maybe you notice that spring is here and hear the birds singing or simply that you are enjoying the warmth of your bed and softness of your pillow.  The more we look through the lens of positivity the more we reinforce those pathways in our brain. Sit with the calmness and embrace the feelings and sensations in your body. Relax.  If your mind wanders and starts future forecasting and worrying, just bring your attention back to your breath and the comfort of your surroundings. Focusing in on the good feelings and emotions, allowing them to rise up into your body and permeate through you. 

Each morning take a little longer doing this than the day before - don't worry if at first you can only manage a couple of minutes before your active 'must-do' brain kicks in. 


Step 2. Between 2-4pm 

Find a quite place to repeat the above steps


Step 3. Between 7-9pm 

Find a quite place to repeat the above steps, but this time think about what has gone well for you today, not matter how small or how bad your day has been, look for the positive interaction, the things you are grateful for, this could be a simple as 'having fresh drinking water on tap' . If you go to bed early you can listen to the recording this will help you process all the activities and events of the day.  Other wise listen when you're ready for bed.

Remember the more you practice your anchor and breathing the more this will feel natural and easy.  â€‹These timings are important as these are aligned to our natural rhythms where we re-calibrate and processes our day. However you can practice your anchor and breathing at anytime, the more you do so the strong it gets.


If you feel you would benefit from more face to face group work please use the contact form to get in touch for more information.


Please note: this practice is intended for relaxation purposes only. It is not medical advice and is not  intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any medical condition or disease. If you have any concerns please speak with a medical practitioner before listening.​​


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